About Us
In 2008, out of love and admiration for deer, we built a small deer enclosure located in the territory of Juodėnai Village in Molėtai District, Čiulėnai Parish. After some time, we purchased some new promising fallow-deer and red deer: this is how our hobby turned into a business idea. Due to the growing number of animals, we had to transfer them to new perfectly equipped enclosures with natural lush grass located in Liesenų Village, Molėtai District, Videniškės Parish.

Currently, our enclosure covering an area of more than 50 hectares accommodates over 400 red deer and fallow-deer. We expand the enclosures every year, taking into account welfare needs of the animals.

Our deer and pastures were organically certified by Public Enterprise Ekoagros in 2014. Our vision is to breed several hundreds of red deer and fallow-deer of a high trophy quality; to expand the network of supply of deer to Lithuanian and foreign deer breeding farms; to build a small slaughterhouse meeting all the EU requirements in the territory of the farm, and to supply organic produce to restaurants, traders and private customers.
Red Deer
Red deer are common in the old-growth Lithuanian forests. It is a large, graceful and stately animal.

A stag can reach a shoulder height of up to 140 cm and can weigh up to 250 kg; females are smaller. Heads of males are crowned with an impressive set of antlers.

The colour of the coat varies from reddish brown in summer to greyish brown in winter. Calves have spots until they reach the age of 3 months. Sometimes, faint spots are noticeable on the summer coat of two-year-old deer.
Breeding stock deer requires good knowledge, time, effort, resources and, of course, love for these graceful and noble animals. To acquire more experience, we visited numerous farms in England, Spain, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. We gained extensive knowledge from European specialists and scientists working in the field.

During the mating season, one male takes care of a large maternal group consisting of 30 to 50 hinds. Males are selected based on the genetic breed data, CIC assessment system for antlers and build. All deer are marked to make determination of their age, breed and potential cases of incest easier.

The enclosure is equipped with a trap with special equipment to sort, mark, and vaccinate deer; it is also used for veterinary examinations, blood sampling and laboratory testing. To avoid injuries to the animals or unnecessary deaths, antlers are cut off before the mating season.

We use organic deer breeding methods. During the summer, deer feed on natural grass free from any fertilizers. To ensure a varied diet, we additionally give twigs of leafy and coniferous trees and shrubs. During the winter, deer feed on haylage made of grass cut in the nearby fields and grain purchased from organic farms.
Fallow-deer are rather uncommon in Lithuania and can be seen only in places, where they have been released into the wild. A deer can weigh up to 70–125 kg; it is slender and looks a little bit similar to a red deer, only smaller and with round white spots on the sides of the body. Males are slightly bigger and have shovel-shaped antlers.

The tail of a fallow-deer is longer than that of red deer and has a black stripe. The coat colour varies from brownish or yellowish brown in the summer to greyish brown in the winter.
Latvijoje vyko tarptautinė elnių augintojų konferencija. Jos metu buvo vertinami elnių ragai. Audronio Glumbako ūkyje auginamas elnias 3 ragų kategorijoje užėmė pirmą vietą, o kitas 6-7 ragų kategorijoje 3 vietą.
2018 m. vasario 3 d., „Valstiečių laikraštis“ išspausdino straipsnį apie A. Glumbako elnyną „Meilė gyvūnams išaugo į verslą“.
A.Glumbako elnių ūkis tapo Tarptautinės elnių ir laukinių kanopinių gyvūnų asociacijos „IDUBA“ nariu.
Televizijos laida apie Audronio Elnyną: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_xYuhiX1a8
Latvijoje, Siguldos regione vyko tarptautinės tauriųjų elnių ir danielių mestų/pjautų ragų varžytuvės, kuriose dalyvavo atstovai daugiau kaip iš 10 Europos šalių. A.Glumbako elnyno tauriojo elnio Barto ragai, pirmų ragų kategorijoje, užėmė prmąją vietą ir tapo čempionu..
Įkūrėme mažą elnių aptvarą Molėtų rajono, Čiulėnų sen., Juodėnų kaimo teritorijoje.
We Offer
Stock animals: males and females of red deer and fallow-deer of different ages.

Shed or cut antlers for further processing.

Nodimor wire netting for enclosures of wild animals.
Carcass meat of red deer and fallow-deer.

Products made of antlers of red deer and fallow-deer.

Advice on breeding and installation of enclosures.
Liesėnai village, Molėtai district, Lithuania.
+370 698 38894
Partneriai: Leguma, Sodyba Aura
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